Robótica Assistiva: Planejamento de Trajetória Robótica para Reabilitação de Membros Superiores

  • Sibyla Andreuchetti Vioto e Silva Graduate Student in Computer Engineering Graduate Program at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Rio Grande (RS)
  • Alice Tissot Garcia Graduate Student in Computer Engineering Graduate Program at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Rio Grande (RS)
  • André Luiz da Silva Kelbouscas Graduate Student in Computer Engineering Graduate Program at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Rio Grande (RS)
  • Victor Barros Coch Undergraduate Student of Automation and Control Engineering at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Rio Grande(RS)
  • Mateus Borges de Oliveira Pinto Undergraduate Student of Mechanical Engineering at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Rio Grande(RS)
  • Vinicius Menezes de Oliveir Associate Professor at Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Rio Grande (RS)
Keywords: Robotics, Rehabilitation, Restrictions, Manipulator, Patients, Physiotherapy, Trajectory, Movement


The recovery of functional use of the upper extremity in patients with hemiparesis has been a longstanding struggle for patients and therapists. Assistive and robotic therapies are proving to be tools with great potential to assist in the rehabilitation process of patients. With respect to traditional rehabilitation interventions, robotic systems can provide more intensive physiotherapy and new interventions have come to be used to aid the rehabilitation of patient with certain movement restrictions, especially after stroke. The present work aims to show a study on trajectory planning of a robotic arm, which will be suggested to the patient in order to perform the movement for rehabilitation. In addition, it is intended that the trajectory can be update in real time to better meet the patients movement requirements and restrictions. In view of the requirement to generate trajectory in real time, there is a need for a simple model of the manipulators workspace to be used as limit and boundary condition for the task space.In parallel, there is the development of a prototype of the REHABOT robot, using parts of the Cyton Gamma 1500 robot as a base.