Network of Embedded Systems for Motor Rehabilitation Post-Stroke of Upper Limbs using ESP8266 and ESPNOW protocol
Sibyla Andreuchetti Vioto e Silva
Graduate Student in Computer Engineering Graduate Program at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Rio Grande (RS)
Alice Tissot Garcia
Graduate Student in Computer Engineering Graduate Program at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Rio Grande (RS)
André Luiz da Silva Kelbouscas
Graduate Student in Computer Engineering Graduate Program at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Rio Grande (RS)
Victor Barros Coch
Undergraduate Student of Automation and Control Engineering at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Rio Grande(RS)
Vinicius Menezes de Oliveira
Associate Professor at Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Rio Grande (RS)
motor rehabilitation, wireless rehabilitation system
Robot-assisted upper limb rehabilitation techniques have advanced rapidly in recent decades. Its diverse interactive strategies allow the personalization of the treatment, through a specialist, for each patient. Thus, the use of assistive robotics provides the individual with rehabilitation and restoration of motor functions, if not totally, at least in part, which directly impacts their quality of life. This work presents a brief bibliographic review on works related to the area of motor rehabilitation with the use of wearable and / or wireless systems, as well as pathologies that compromise motor skills. It is proposed the development of a wireless system using Wemos D1 Mini and MPU-92/65 inertial sensors using the ESPNOW communication protocol. The preliminary results of data acquisition, topology and wireless communication network are exposed.