Regulação de tensão com Step Dynamic Voltage Regulators (S-DVR20) em ramais com elevada penetração de geração distribuída

  • André Rodrigues Martins Junior Centro Federal de Educac¸a~o Tecnol[ogica Celso Suckow da Fonseca Rio de Janeiro
  • Thiago Americano do Brasil Centro Federal de Educac¸a~o Tecnol[ogica Celso Suckow da Fonseca Rio de Janeiro
  • Joa~o Amin Moor Neto Centro Federal de Educac¸a~o Tecnol[ogica Celso Suckow da Fonseca Rio de Janeiro
Keywords: Power quality, sag, swell, distributed generation, S-DVR


In recent decades, due to technological advances and microelectronics, electrical equipment started to demand an increasingly higher quality of energy, due to the constant addition of electronic components present in their circuits, which are less susceptible to voltage fluctuations. In addition, due to the increasing penetration of distributed generation, especially solar photovoltaic, voltage fluctuations in distribution networks have raised more and more concerns regarding the quality of energy delivered by utilities. In order to mitigate this problem, this work proposes the use of 20-level step-dynamic voltage regulators (S-DVR20), whose main function is to quickly and directly compensate bus voltage levels, unlike electromechanical regulators that are currently used.